He said: 'The Government's duty is to protect everyone. On Tuesday evening, Singapore's Minister for Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam, posted on his Facebook page, where he said the government would act 'decisively' to quell any threat or violence against any person or group. Lim later appeared to retract what he said, saying it wasn't directed at the LGBTQ attendees at Pink Dot, but not before the police and his employer, Canon Singapore, both said they were looking into the matter. Shortly after the shooting, netizens noticed a Facebook comment from a Bryan Lim made earlier this month, where he wrote on an anti-Pink Dot Facebook page that he wanted to 'open fire' on - taken to mean the attendees at the event. The shooting has been rattling for the LGBTQ community in Singapore - a fairly repressed group in the conservative country. Singapore's LGBTQ community is fairly repressed in the conservative country. GLBT Voices noted that the speaking permit was issued promptly by the government, and that it received an outpouring of warm responses from attendees on its Facebook event page.